Cost of Attendance

Cost of Attendance (COA)每年由学生经济援助办公室根据学生在十大网赌正规网址官网区就读一学年期间可能支付的平均费用确定, August to May. 

这些平均费用将取决于学生是根据他们的FAFSA还是TASFA被分类为依赖还是独立, and whether their residency is In-District, Out-of-District, or Out-of-State. 所显示的费用要么直接支付给十大网赌正规网址官网区, or indirectly paid as part of normal living expenses.

估计学生的总体出勤成本使学生经济援助办公室能够确定你的总经济需求,并提供经济援助,可能包括学费和杂费以外的费用. The Cost of Attendance is often referred to as a "budget", which your financial aid grants, scholarships, and loan offers cannot exceed.


Cost Categories

  • Housing and Food对在圣安东尼奥上学期间生活费用的合理估计. 实际成本可能因地点和环境的不同而有所不同.
  • Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment一个普通学生一整个学年的这些材料的平均费用.
  • Transportation平均交通费用是根据往返校园的平均30英里计算的. 实际交通费用将根据个人与校园的距离和交通方式而有所不同.
  • Personal and Miscellaneous平均费用是根据学生可能产生的个人电脑等潜在费用计算的, personal items, or emergency expenses.



  • Direct Costs: 十大网赌正规网址官网区通过商务办公室通过您的ACES学生账户收取费用. Your tuition and fees are considered a direct cost.
  • Indirect Costs: Costs associated with basic living expenses. 你的住房,食物,交通,学习用品,个人开支被认为是间接成本.
  • In-District Student: A Texas resident who resides in Bexar County. 
  • Out-of-District Student: A Texas resident who does not reside in Bexar County. 
  • Out-of-State student: A U.S. 公民或永久居民,过去12个月没有在德克萨斯州居住


Estimated Cost of Attendance For 2024-2025

2024-2025 In-District Student


Cost Categories


Residing with Parents at Home** 


Residing without Parents off Campus

Tuition and Fees * $3,412 $3,412
Housing and Food  $7,126 $14,250

Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment *

 $500 $500
Transportation $2,903 $2,903
Personal and Miscellaneous  $2,801 $2,801
Total Estimated Costs: $16,742 $20,584


Total Estimated Direct Costs*: $3,412 $3,412



**学生的住房分配是自动从他们的FAFSA或TASFA - 受抚养的学生将被分配一笔“与父母同住”的预算。. 你的实际生活情况与我们的自动化任务不同吗, 请在住房状况确认表上注明您的实际居住计划(今年夏天即将发布)。. 

2024-2025 Out- of-District Student

Cost Categories

Residing with Parents at Home**


Residing without Parents off Campus


Tuition and Fees * $5,542 $5,542
Housing and Food  $7,126 $14,250

Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment *

 $500 $500
Transportation $2,903 $2,903
Personal and Miscellaneous  $2,801 $2,801
Total Estimated Costs: $18,872 $25,996


Total Estimated Direct Costs*: $5,542 $5,542



**学生的住房分配是自动从他们的FAFSA或TASFA - 受抚养的学生将被分配一笔“与父母同住”的预算。. 你的实际生活情况与我们的自动化任务不同吗, 请在住房状况确认表上注明您的实际居住计划(今年夏天即将发布)。. 

2024-2025 Out- of-State Student

Cost Categories

Residing with Parents at Home**


Residing without  Parents off Campus


Tuition and Fees * $9,952 $9,952
Housing and Food  $7,126 $14,250

Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment *

 $500 $500
Transportation $2,903 $2,903
Personal and Miscellaneous  $2,801 $2,801
Total Estimated Costs: $23,282 $30,406


Total Estimated Direct Costs*: $9,952 $9,952



**学生的住房分配是自动从他们的FAFSA或TASFA - 受抚养的学生将被分配一笔“与父母同住”的预算。. 你的实际生活情况与我们的自动化任务不同吗, 请在住房状况确认表上注明您的实际居住计划(今年夏天即将发布)。. 


Estimated Cost of Attendance For 2023-2024

2023-2024 In-District Student

Cost Categories

Dependent - Living with Parents


Independent - Living Off Campus


Tuition and Fees * $3,412 $3,412
Housing and Food  $5,756 $11,512

Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment *

 $500 $500
Transportation $2,732 $2,732
Personal and Miscellaneous  $2,428 $2,428
Total Estimated Costs: $14,828 $20,584


Total Estimated Direct Costs*: $3,412 $3,412



2023-2024 Out-of-District Student

Cost Categories

Dependent - Living with Parents


Independent - Living Off Campus


Tuition and Fees * $6,892 $6,892
Housing and Food  $5,756 $11,512

Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment *

 $500 $500
Transportation $2,732 $2,732
Personal and Miscellaneous  $2,428 $2,428
Total Estimated Costs: $18,308 $24,064


Total Estimated Direct Costs*: $6,892 $6,892



2023-2024 Out-of-State Student

Cost Categories

Dependent - Living with Parents


Independent - Living Off Campus


Tuition and Fees * $14,422 $14,422
Housing and Food  $5,756 $11,512

Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment *

 $500 $500
Transportation $2,732 $2,732
Personal and Miscellaneous  $2,428 $2,428
Total Estimated Costs: $25,838 $31,594


Total Estimated Direct Costs*: $14,422 $14,422




Manually Adjusting Your Cost of Attendance

学生经济援助办公室理解这可能是个人的, unexpected expenses, 以及未计入已公布的出勤费用的教育费用. 

学生可以通过填写出勤费用调整表提交所谓的特殊情况请求, 为了让我们的办公室决定是否可以调整. 该表格可通过联系学生经济援助办公室索取.

Examples of Expenses Considered
Cost of Attendance adjustments we typically consider:
  • Educational expenses above the estimated COA
  • Housing and food expenses above the estimated COA
  • 运输费用高于预估COA(未投保维修或往返里程超过150英里/周)
  • 电脑购买费用(作为Alamo学生只考虑一次)
  • 本学年不寻常的医疗、牙科、视力费用
  • 本学年受抚养人的儿童保育或私立学校费用
  • Professional licensure/credential or certification costs 
  • 独立学生是指不依赖父母住在公寓或房子里的学生